Costa Rican Chronicles: Week 2

By Ronan Lurkin
As our first week came to a close, new friends began to make their way to our tropical paradise. Without letting the new crew settle, we immediately embarked on a journey to find Costa Rica’s most coveted wave.
After driving through the heaviest rain we have ever encountered, almost driving off a multitude of cliff sides, and destroying the shocks on our rental car, we arrived at our destination. To sum up the rest of this venture, we met some beautiful people but did not get the waves we dreamt of at the world renowned Pavones. Defeated on our journey home, we made the unspoken decision to spend the next week finding waves that were uncrowded and not closing out. And that we did, two days spent at a coconut and stingray ridden beach provided us with some playful surf and the downtime to perfect our coconut opening skills.
With one rest day in the mix we had a chill afternoon by the pool, caught up with our friend Yoyo and prepared ourselves for a full weekend of waves. As the week came to a close, the swell began to die providing us with the best waves we’ve seen on the trip so far.