Costa Rican Chronicles: Final Week

By Ronan Lurkin
With a new set of friends and our final week in Costa Rica, we set off to make this the best week yet.
To start the week off we had quite the exhilarating hike on some of Costa Rica’s longest hanging bridges, that provided views that are second to none. Now this week the waves were not the biggest we have seen, however they were the longest. Between chatting with locals and endless searching on Google Maps we found ourselves venturing North to a wave that is relatively unknown by the outside world, but is arguably one of the best waves in Central America. Sitting right outside a wide river mouth it is known for its filth, crocodiles, and its 800 meter long wave. As East Coasters, many of us had never ridden a wave over ten seconds long, so to say that surfing this wave was a treat is an understatement. 13 turns a wave and a minute later we have now parted ways and are in route back to the States.
Looking back on the experiences, the waves, and the people we met it is safe to say that this trip was a success. To cap it all off, I just want to say that life isn’t about stressing over things you can’t control, it’s about taking advantage of every opportunity that puts itself in front of you.
Learn to live a healthy life, budget yourself, and who knows maybe you will be on our next adventure.
Buen Día,